With the California berry season five to seven weeks away, Mexican growing regions are in full swing. Hollister, CA-based Berry People is shipping a full line of Berry People branded organic and conventional berries, as well as Avo People branded avocados.
“This was a big growth year for us in raspberries and blueberries, and we’re thankful for the broad regional retail support we’ve received to date,” said Jerald Downs, company president.
At the core of Berry People is a convergence of full-line, organic, expertly branded products reflecting the multi-ethnic makeup of the company. “We have both Mexican and American shareholders who have a combined expertise in the entire fresh produce vertical, from production to distribution to retail merchandising. This allows us to better anticipate and respond to our retailer and grower clientele needs, both domestically and abroad,” said Downs.
In addition to this, the company transcends the financial balance sheet with its focus on the social balance sheet. “The company is merely a platform, providing sustenance and purpose to all members of an inclusive berry community,” added Downs.
Berry People is currently shipping a variety of products, including organic strawberries in 8.8-ounce packs, organic raspberries with strong multi-division coverage and quality levels sure to drive repeat business, as well as a steady supply on all sizes and pack styles of organic avocados.