Hy-Vee, Robinson Fresh donate 50,000 mangos

Thursday, 28 May 2020 - 8:00am

hyvmangRobinson Fresh, a leader in fresh produce sourcing and supply chain solutions, announced the donation of more than 50,000 mangos to families in need. Totaling roughly 6,000 pounds, the mango supply was distributed at seven different Hy-Vee locations in Iowa earlier this month.

At each of the seven locations, Hy-Vee customers were welcome to pick up a bag containing 12 fresh mangos during a contactless, drive-thru giveaway event.

“During these extraordinary times, we want to help where we can,” said Michael Castagnetto, president of Robinson Fresh. “We had high-quality, fresh mangos available, and we couldn’t ask for a better ally to help get the fruit into the hands of families in need. When our communities need a little extra help, we all need to pitch-in where we can.”

“We deeply appreciate Robinson Fresh’s generosity and their assistance in helping us care for our customers and our communities during this time,” said Tina Potthoff, Hy-Vee’s senior vice president of communications. “We hope this donation provides some relief to our customers, especially as more families become financially impacted during this time.”

The contribution is part of a series of donations that Hy-Vee and its suppliers are making to local communities and food banks across Hy-Vee’s eight-state region.

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About D. Otani Produce

In business since 1989, D. Otani Produce, Inc. has grown into one of Hawaii’s largest produce wholesalers, enjoying business with hotels, restaurants, local business institutions. We are also a major distributor to Hawaii’s retailers.

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D. Otani Produce
1321 Hart St
Honolulu, HI 96817

Phone: (808) 509-8350

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