NEPC postpones dinner meeting

Monday, 9 March 2020 - 7:11am

NEPC-logoThe New England Produce Council has postponed its March 18 dinner meeting, sponsored by Dole Food Co. Inc.

The council decided to postpone the meeting "due to heightened concern regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on travel restrictions," the council noted in a March 6 email.

The NEPC board of directors "together with Dole have decided to reschedule this event," the email said. "A new date has not been scheduled at this time."

About D. Otani Produce

In business since 1989, D. Otani Produce, Inc. has grown into one of Hawaii’s largest produce wholesalers, enjoying business with hotels, restaurants, local business institutions. We are also a major distributor to Hawaii’s retailers.

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D. Otani Produce
1321 Hart St
Honolulu, HI 96817

Phone: (808) 509-8350

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