The U.S.-based Peruvian Avocado Commission and its sister association, ProHass of Peru, welcome the measures being taken by their respective governments in the fight against the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
"Our thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event and we pay homage to the men and women from around the world who are on the front line working to contain this pandemic," PAC said in a statement.
“For us, the health and safety of all is of utmost importance,” said Xavier Equihua, chief executive officer of PAC. “As such, the Peruvian avocado industry is committed to working hand-in-hand with the public and private sectors as we all face the difficult challenge of responding to this global pandemic.”
Even during these difficult times Avocados from Peru will supply avocados to the U.S. market during the June to September. The production will continue to be environmentally and socially responsible and following the guidelines of GLOBAL GAP and other international certifications. GLOBAL GAP is the United Nations international standard of reference used to guarantee that food has been grown sustainably in regards to food safety, the environment, and the safety and welfare of workers. AFP are seasonally available from June to September.
Member producers and companies are operating in a responsible manner to safeguard personnel and crops in all aspects of PAC's internal supply chain. Such operations, from orchard to packinghouse to table, are being carried out with the appropriate safety measures and in coordination with government authorities.
To further the need of eating healthy, AFP will use generic marketing messages in order to place the focus on the benefits of keeping a healthy diet during these challenging times for all.
AFP will take a leading stance in promoting the importance of washing our hands on a regular basis, exercising, and eating well balanced diets to nourish our bodies. But also focus on the need to maintain good mental health as we enter a period of social distancing and reduced social interaction.
“Activities as simple as preparing or cooking food can contribute to positive mental health and we will be promoting measures such as this as prominently as physical benefits,” said Equihua. "Even in these challenging times, we will do everything possible to keep delivering healthy and nutritious AFP to the U.S."